
The South Kingdom [WIP]

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Literature Text

Capital City:


Populations: 150,150 +

Green | Tan | Red 

Paw Prints over fakes claws marks.



UnHumanla (10)%
Demonia (90)%
Others (1%)

Only King and Queen controls everything. 
So nobody helps them unless you include  the Ambassador. And the government is more like a Clan than a normal Government.  
Clan: Clans are family oriented. It could be a tribe, or other group that is split into specific clans, each with their own head of household who is usually the eldest male who is capable of leading the family, passed on along the generations. Others can be brought in by marriage or adoption, but usually the full blood members are slightly higher in the hierarchy then the others.

They're Mostly famous for their jungle and wild people,exotic animals and monster,food and rituals.
Fruits | Wood | Cotton | Water | Rocks | Plants | Rare Flowers | Muds | Rare Insects 

8 Descriptions of Major Cities:
Ixtlan: Population; 2300; mostly Demonia and some elves. The village is defended by series of stone walls and gatehouses. Its is governed by a town chief by a female named Quixochitli. And Priestess as well
Hanayuco: Population 4000, mostly UnHumanla. The village is built around a great market square, by the sea port. Warriors are governed to protect the village as they're known as  Ruby Square. The most tavern/hall is known as Chariot Close.
Tlanochte: Population 15000, mostly UnHumanla and some other civilized races. Several major roads run through the center of the city. And it being protected by a tyrant, a UnHumanla name Totlillintzin.
Tlumeste: Population 570, primarily UnHumanla and Demonia. The village sits upon an eroded outcrop. Accessible by a single road. Its protected by a Demonia named Teceli. The village is known for its slate quarry.
Taltepan: Population 790, mixed The village is a tangle with mixture of roads and forests. Protected by a Priest of the village temple.
Oatec: Population 550, Mostly Demonia and some monstrous races. It currently being controlled by a brutal boss of a Demonia named  Otetl. Oatec is the home of a infamous villian/anti hero pirate name Temocoyo

Deism-  is the belief that reason and observation of the natural world are sufficient to determine the existence of a Creator, accompanied with the rejection of revelation and authority as a source of religious knowledge.

Rough but Polite 

Weather Patterns:
Summer: Extremely hot barely rains.  hot and dry season. 
Springs: Alot of thunderstorms and rains, floods happened alot during the Springs. Sometimes it hard to maintain.
Earthquakes does occur to had happened around this time of the season, hard to predict. Include mudslides as well.
Fall: Its mild outside at the sametime it felt a battle between cold and hot. When the temperatures begin to cool slightly perfect to visit and have fun.
Winter: It's very brutal, its normally 3-6 inches of snow and below to the negatives.

Harnessed their magic for festivals or large projects like building or fixing; defending the kingdom. The remainder of the time they barely even use magic and do stuff with their own two hands. They want their children to understand the hardship of working and not to lazy to rely on their magic at times


Prawn tom yam with coconut milk | Noodles | Yams | Grass | Tree Roots | Meat | Vegetables |  garlic | galangal|  coriander|  shallots, | pepper | kaffir lime  | chilies | Palm sugar | Rice | Wheat | Sticky Rice | Beans | Nuts | Herbs | Pork | Salads | Crabs | Banana Leaf | Clams | Squid |Oysters

Swimming | Climbing | Talking | Play Sports | Riding | Huge Mushroom Jumping | Flying Dragons

The Single Train that goes around Wildvale.
Boats | Horses | Carts | Dragons | Walking

Spears | Swords |Shield | Boxing | War Elephants | Daggers | Club | Stick | Polearms | Darts | Bows & Arrows | Whip

Bows:  can be generally divided into three main types: informal, formal, and very formal. Informal bows are made at about a fifteen degree angle and more formal bows at about thirty degrees. Very formal bows are deeper. In extreme cases a kneeling bow is performed, which may be so deep that the forehead touches the floor. There is an extremely complex etiquette surrounding bowing, including the length and depth of bow, and the appropriate response. For example, if the other person maintains his or her bow for longer than expected (generally about two or three seconds), it is polite to bow again, upon which one may receive another bow in return, often leading to an exchange of progressively lighter bows.
Bowing [Regularly]:  bow is performed with the arms at the sides, while other bow-such as a Silat bow are performed with the hands together and hands and arms in front.
Wai:  consists of a slight bow, with the palms pressed together in a prayer-like fashion.

 Ceremonies between two are generally divided into two parts: a priestess/priest component, which includes the recitation of prayers and the offering of food and other gifts to monks and images of the Mihos, and a married to a non-southern tribe is component rooted in folk traditions, which centers on the couple's family.
 Chanting during the moonlight of the full moon to bring calmness to their ancestors and the dead.
 During the funerals, no crying wasn't allow afterwards the funerals are over. Priestess/Priest are invited to chant prayers that are intended to provide merit for the deceased, as well as to provide protection against the possibility of the dead relative returning as a malicious spirit. 

The paranoid heroine shall loot below the ground.

She shall not baulk or the young watchman shall quarry.

The stoic toad must knot.

The treacherous mink will finally lament in a meadow.

A parting of ways will take place with the compassionate bandit during summer.

He will not plot with the fighting lizard on a pyramid on a journey.

A competition must not happen and a legal problem will take place with the mysterious hyena in a castle.

The charming lord will rest and a miscommunication will not occur with the umber gypsy in the citadel.

A bet must not take place in the spring.

The coral squire will finally weld with the heroic falconer for the sake of eternity.

A reversal of fortune will finally happen during a rainstorm.

It will never feed when the days grow short.

The heroic father shall not speak with the greedy princess just outside a city in the age of water.

The envious lich shall not enthuse near a tavern.

The sarcastic artisan must not fragment or they shall not hustle inside a walled city on a windy day.

Smiling is an important symbol of refinement.

Landscape is a ritual topography, with landmarks such as mountains, wells and caves being assigned to specific ancestors. Ritual takes place in or near such landmarks. Ritual used to governed not only by the geographical lay-out of shrines and temples, but also by the projection of calendrical models onto the landscape. Purificatory measures such as fasting, sexual abstention, bathing.

3 gold irej = 8 silver goibe | 2 silver goibe = 14 bronze ib | 2 bronze ib = 5 brass chrinn | 2 brass chrinn = 20 brass aredoin 
Coinage: now the government begins to get involved. The government regulates the medium of exchange by making coins with fixed weights and official images stamped on them. Gold is ideal for this purpose because of how soft it is, making it easy to stamp in official seals or images of Caesar's face. Coinage can become the victim of the economic force of inflation, where the government tries to increase the amount of coins in circulation by diluting the purity of the metal in the coins. 

Medium of Exchange: a specific commodity or resource begins to serve as a medium of exchange and the value of goods and services are calculated according to that resource. So the value of all materials in an economy might be calculated based on bushels of grain, strings of beads, ounces of salt or silver, or mystical psycrystals. 

Subsistence: A community produces only (or almost) enough goods and food for their own immediate use. Subsistence cultures have little division of labor. Everybody has to be a jack of all trades, make their own clothes, grow their own food, make their own tools, defend their own property.

The penalty for stealing spices is exile.

The penalty for a warrior striking a juvenile is a long imprisonment.

The penalty for a soldier stealing spell components is public humiliation.

The penalty for wounding a mule is the loss of a limb.

The penalty for killing a rare animal is life imprisonment.

The penalty for trespassing is execution.

The penalty for an adept wounding an animal is the loss of privileges.

The penalty for smuggling animal parts is branding.

The penalty for a member of the royalty inciting rebellion is the stocks.

The penalty for a free man endangering a hunting dog is a small fine.

The penalty for comitting blasphemy is public humiliation.

The penalty for smuggling spell components is a few months' imprisonment.

The penalty for an official striking a horse is the stocks.

The penalty for a criminal wounding a foreigner is a brief imprisonment.

The penalty for an adept endangering a draft horse is a warning.

Shaeylra:  is a solemn cultural holiday celebrated just after the first crescent moon of autumn. It commemorates an injury. It is associated with warding, life and prophecy. It is also associated with the color red, the color grey and owls. Celebrations last from dusk till dusk again. 
 Aereandrel: is a religious holiday celebrated on the first new moon of winter. It is associated with healing, light, malice and a revelation. Celebrations last from dawn till dusk. Some faiths celebrate it differently. 
 Kraet: is a solemn cultural holiday celebrated on the winter solstice. It is associated with cunning, guilt and a misstep. Celebrations last three days. Traditions include private signing of contracts and fasting. 
 Anok: is a holiday celebrated on the first full moon of spring. It is associated with detachment, vengeance, creativity and violence. It is also associated with  Pama  trees and Horses. Celebrations last eighteen days. Very few traditions celebrate it differently. 
Mokoal: is a solemn religious holiday celebrated on the third crescent moon of spring. It is associated with a takeover and prosperity. Celebrations last nine days. Traditions include private prayers, telling of stories and atonement. A few notable groups celebrate it differently.

Children participate in daily tasks and contribute to both their families and communities with day-to-day activities that include cooking, watching over their younger siblings, and helping out by running into town to get goods for their home. They learn how to perform these activities by observing the adults around them and pitching in. They can also attend school in Holy City of Amber by choice, other than that. They would be teach how to read and write from their parents.
The South Kingdom is kinda based off Ancient Thailand and Mayan
[Ayutthaya Kingdom] like their food and some of their culture, not all of them. 
Fashion/Clothing is a mixed of Hippies/Mayan/Ancient Thailand clothing. 
Anyway I may not add the history how it became The South Kingdom, I want to work on that first/last. And how they fight is like Thailand Boxing
Which they called Mi Xch Boxing. Deism 

They do have more villages/town/cities but at the moment my back hurt. I update this later for now you get the raw stuff~

King: Beryiamo Grane | Queen: Hoamau
Next Heir: Haue & ---
Ambassador: Doa Jr. Grane. by VertFaere 
Notepad by LumiResources 
Plus Fave by LumiResources 
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VertFaere's avatar
Yay! My character is special.